The Garden of Earthly Delights

A blog by printer_scanner about a lot of different things.
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What is the Garden of Earthly Delights?


The name for The Garden of Earthly Delights came to me as a joke while I was coming up with ideas in my journal for my blog. It took me a few months to realize that the name is from this 16th Century painting by Hieronymus Bosch. A few months ago, I spend a long time looking at the high res version on Wikipedia. The triptych is a surrealist Garden of Eden and the perils and joy of life's temptations, and the contrasts of what is natural and what is created.

That is not at all what this blog is about. My blog, The Garden of Earthly Delights, is about something that lives inside all of us and is individually unique to all of us. It is the part of ourselves that we nurture in quiet, still moments. It is what we in this life all search for. This blog is also fundamentally a work blog. I am a worker, and I have lots of thoughts about work – improvements that can be made, adjustments, etc. I ask if you disagree with my blog on first read, read it twice, and then a third time. Then, share it, both online, and then with your closest friends and family.

Additionally, each post will not only be available via the world wide web, but I will also be printing out a physical copy and stapling it to the sign outside my house each week. Though we are digital workers, we should not limit our work to the digital realm. This breeds separation and turmoil in society.

I will not be accepting solicitations for advice for this blog. I created an email address for it, but I automatically route any mail received to it to the trash can. Additionally, the mail is printed, but then immediately shredded by my receptionist (who is also my cousin).

I invite you to take a look at the painting above for a really really long time, and if afterwords you feel like coming back and reading some of this blog, you are cordially invited to.

This site was developed with 11ty and the CMS was built a bit unusually with Obsidian. It's working great so far! The source code is available on Github if you'd like to replicate it. I'm always available to say hi at